Monday 20 February 2012

Survey results

Survey results

I produced a survey to find out what my target audience expect from my dance music magazine. I found that the most popular name for my masthead was "Live Beat" so I plan to use that name. I am also going to use the colour scheme Purple/orange/black as this was the most popular choice. A lot of the ideas for content and images were popular. The two most popular ideas for my double page spread are an interview with a DJ and real life stories about festivals. I intend to take this information and apply it to my magazine.

The process of creating my contents page mock up

I first added the mast head that will be the name of the magazine with the same position and font as on the front cover. I decided to do this to give it house style. I positioned "contents.." bellow the mast head in a different font to introduce the page.
I then added a box for an image to go below the masthead and i gave the "contents" a background to draw attention to it
I next positioned the content on the right hand side and highlighted the text pink to draw attention to it and attract the young audience.

I then added another box for an image and a box for the web address for the magazine.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The process of creating my front cover mock up

I first made a box for my central image.
I then added the mast head and positioned it at the top center of the page as most magazines do this to draw attention to it. I used a font which I think would suit a dance music magazine as it is large and eye catching. I also slanted the mast head slightly to give it edge.
I added my cover lines and main cover line. My main cover line is a different font to the others and it is positioned under the masthead; this will draw the eye to it. the other cover lines are spread out around the page so the audience will read each one.

To finish off I added a date line and the box for a bar code

Research and planning: experimenting with colours

Research and planning: Ideas for masthead

Wordle: Dance music ideas

Monday 6 February 2012

Research and planning: music magazine moodboard

Research and planning:Initial idea for my music magazine

My initial idea for a magazine is a dance music magazine. I would include reviews, information on clubs, artists and a chart on the best dance music for that month. The advertisement would include CD’s such as ministry of sound and alcohol such as Sourz, pina coladas and other spirits. My target audience is both men and women who like dance music and going to clubs. The age range is 18-25 and they would generally have a part time job, which leaves time to go out to clubs. The style of the magazine would be bright and playful to resemble a club. Dance music is upbeat so the style of the magazine would need to be just that. Artists in this sub genre include Eric Prydz, Kid Cudi and Basshunter and other mainstream dance music artists. I have been influenced to choose this sub genre because the magazines I have analysed have mainly been for a young audience which I think is more interesting and I understand what young people like. Also I think I would enjoy creating this type of magazine because it relates to me.

Mixmag magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread analysis

The colour of the masthead and cover lines contrast black and white, this adds emphasis to the central image and other colour on the cover. The house style of the central image gives the magazine a sense of familiarity. Also the neutral white colour used gives the impression it is well know and does not need to be drawn attention to. The cover lines are evenly broken to each side of the page, which fill the page to make it more attractive. The font of the text is curly which gives a sense of playfulness and fills the space of the page. The largest cover line is centred and larger than the rest. It is also yellow which suggests it is significant to the magazine and draws the attention to the piece of text. The central image covers part of the mast head which draws the audiences attention to the image. The image is of a man who stereotypically would listen to dance music and he is outlined messily with a pink/purple colour. This gives a sense of liveliness and gives the cover a young look. The information at the bottom of the magazine is highlighted with the colour yellow to draw attention to the information and cause the audience to want to continue reading.

The context has yet again used the contrasting colours of white and black. These work well together to show the text clearly and easy to read and draws the attention to what is on the page. It also draws the eye to the image used which is intentional. The image is young and gives a sense of fun and youth. The image is the largest, lost eye catching feature on the page and the text surrounds it which gives the impression the magazine is interesting and relates to the picture which causes the audience to read on. The colour yellow has been used again to keep the text bright and less formal. The text is very organised to give a sense of maturity, for those who are dedicated to their music. The page is introduced with the masthead, contents and date in house style, which states clearly what the page is about and reminds the audience what the magazine is which creates a sense of familiarity.

The cross head of the page uses the colours white and pink, these two colours are drawn attention to using a black background which contrasts with the colours. It is stamped on the page in a box to take up more length of the page instead of width to signify the double page spread starts on that page. The main image used gives a clear idea what the topic is about, through the use of stereotypes. The page is split into three parts for each story which make it more appealing to read. Each section is numbered to signal the order of which it should be read. The sections have a bold title and image to suggest what the section is about. The messy structure of the page suggests the subject of the pages are youthful and this is supported through the use of images.

Kerrang magazine front cover and double page spread analysis

The mast head is black and has a unique font which is associated with the magazine. This house style gives a sense of familiarity and causes the magazine to be well known to monthly buyers. This idea is supported by the masthead being interfered with by the central image which covers part of the words and a puff which also does this. The central image is a medium close up, centred in the middle of the page of five men. These men look some what individual through the use of facial expressions and clothing. These aspects suggest the magazine is a rock magazine according to the clothing and the general facial expression gives a sense of madness and individuality. This may appeal to a young audience with a liking for rock music. The head lines are positioned under the image which puts more emphases on the image. The head lines are bold and informal, which attracts a younger audience. The text is organised neatly with a big centred block of text which is black, yellow and pink to draw attention to it. It also uses disks as a letter and number which gives a sense of music and appeals to young people.The puffs are pink, which seems unusual for a rock magazine. This could be promoting individuality and gives the magazine a unique look. It is also very eye catching as it contrasts with the black text. Also, one of the puffs is slightly peeled off as if it is a sticker, which gives a messy look which appears modern.

The colour scheme is linked to the front cover colour scheme as they both use the bright yellow, red and black. The yellow used on this image is only used on the background of “Biffy Clyro” which makes it stand out from the rest of the page but the use of a colour scheme also gives a professional look. The colour red has been used to emphasise the “news” and how to get tickets to download. The main block of text has been separated into three columns to break up the text and make it appear easier to read.
The main image takes up a whole page of the double page spread, this is so it is the first thing the audience looks at and to illustrate what the story is about. It also shortens the actual inside story to make it seem easier to read. There is also a collage of images on the next page of music artists. These images make the reader stop and look at the page as it has a sense of familiarity. Also the artists range to attract all different people who like different artists.

Total guitar contents page analysis

Unlike the front cover, the contents page uses a simple font. The text is arranged into columns for the different subject titles and the content is listed underneath. The majority of the text is on the first page of the double page spread. These are positioned at the bottom of the page. The rest are positioned on the right side. This smartly arranged text contrasts with the messy arrangement of the images on the second page. This text may connote a sense of seriousness to the magazine to show a serious Passion for the music. However, on the second page the names of songs are written in hand writing. This gives the magazine an old fashioned look and this is also emphasised with the images used of the bands listed. It is also written on a piece of paper which is slightly scrunched up. This creates a personal connotation, because it seems like someone has written a list of their favourite songs.
The first page of the contents page looks tidy and reasonably formal. However the second page appears to be more hectic; The collage of images take up most of the space on the page. The images illustrate what exactly is featured in the magazine. Different music artists are shown on this page. These are the artists that are listed beside them. These artists are popular bands from the past which may appeal to the older audience or interest young people to listening to classics. The images on the first page are of guitars and the front cover model with a guitar. This illustrates what the magazine is based on; guitars. This half of the contents gives a clear idea of what is featured in the magazine, whereas the second half of the contents is more exciting.

Total guitar front cover analysis

Front cover

Total guitar Magazine is a rock music magazine for people who play a guitar; This is clearly recognised through the use of the central image and the general cover style. The central image is a man holding his guitar.This man is wearing all black and has a nose piercing. This is stereotypically what a rock music fan would look like, which connotes what kind of magazine it is. The mast head is large, bold and black which is extremely eye catching and emphasises the rock theme of the magazine. However, the majority of the mast head is covered by the central image. This gives us the impression the magazine is well known by rock fans. The front cover looks very messy and hectic, this is created using different colours and sizes of the cover lines; which appeals to the target audience as it creates a sense of madness. A spray paint effect is also used to enhance the messy, young look to the magazine. The front cover uses the colours white, green and black which are colours that connote a sense of rock and stand out on the page. The cover lines cover the page, which makes the front cover look very busy. The writing is big and bold and uses language which is informal. This relates to the younger audience and draws attention to the magazine. It also lists the range of music which is featured in the magazine and we can tell by the choice of music it is a rock music magazine. Also some of the music is older which may attract an older audience who play the guitar. A puff is used to give extra value to the magazine. The puff is pink which stands out against the rest of the magazine and goes against the stereotypical view of what rock music fans like. Also the magazine seems to be aiming for the male audience mainly and pink is stereotypically a woman's colour. This gives a sense of individuality which may attract young individuals. The use of the word “exclusive” also makes it appear special, which would draw people into, this word is in yellow which is also not stereotypical and not used anywhere else on the page.

Research and planning: investigating a music magazine on sale in the UK

Q is a popular music magazine published monthly in the UK. It was first published in 1986 by Bauer media group, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly productions and high standards of photography and printing. In the early years the magazine was subtitled “The modern guide to music and more”. Originally it was to be called “cue” but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Also that single letter would be prominent on news stands. Q also have their own music station called Q tv and launched their own radio station in 2008.

The magazine has different sections, featuring: New releases, reissues, music compilations, film and live concert reviews. The magazine features popular music from the chart so targets a wide variety of people. Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular music artists. It is well known for it's compiling lists, such as “The 100 greatest albums”. Often, promotional gifts are given away. Every issue of Q has a different message on the spine. Readers try to work out what the message has to do with the content of the magazine.

The publishing institution
Q magazine is published by Bauer media group, a large German publishing company based in Hamburg, which operates in 15 countries world wide.

The typical reader profile
Q's audience is composed of passionate, engaged and open minded music fans driven to continually discover new music and to use this lust for discovery to influence their friends. The audience is split 75% male to 25% female and is affluent.

Layout Trademark
Unlike most magazines Q has a masthead of just one letter, which is prominent on news stands. The single letter is not just the name of the magazine but the logo and uses bold colours; red and white which stand out and is the main trademark sign. Q also has a message on the spine of the magazine, which buyers read and try to work out how it is related to the contents of the magazine. Q generally uses unusual central images on the front cover. For example Lilly Allen topless with two dogs either side of her, lady gaga topless and king of leon smashing glass.

Does Q reflect the values of it's audiences?
Q manages to match its audience's values by providing a magazine with up to date articles, photo's and news based on the typical music related interests of the reader. The music is up to date and shows new up and coming artists.